In recent years, my work has become completely abstract. I believe that abstract imagery carries its own reality and that its language holds a meaning no less powerful than speech. In fact, it expresses a deep part of the human psyche that cannot be accessed in words. A successful abstract painting is what it is what it is what it is. It invites you to connect with the part of your being that is not served by speech, and nourishes you there. 

I have looked deeply at pre-Renaissance western painting (Spanish manuscript painting, Romanesque and Byzantine frescoes), Tantric art, and Native American traditions—all of which relied either wholly or partially on abstraction to express their beliefs about the relationship of humans to the cosmos. The commonality of their use of space and shapes holds truth for me and gives me a ground for my own work. I place myself in the tradition of visual artists who have tried to give visible form to that which is not visible.