Louise arrived from Denver later last Monday evening, so we didn’t get started on her project until the following morning, but no one would have ever guessed the short amount of time she had been working by the state of the studio! By the end of the day, prints were covering every surface of the shop, with Sue trying to keep up on the press and our newest member of Oehme Graphics, intern Paige Hinshaw, busily cutting mat board and coating it with gel medium. Julia had been working upstairs on the computer the first few days of the project, and couldn’t believe or understand where all the work was coming from when she made her way down to the shop. It has been a very productive week, to say the least, with a constant turnover of prints from press, to wall, to torn down ready-to-view print!
Scraps that Paige cut up to various sizes and coated with gel medium for Louise to paint and run through the press.
Check back soon to see how the project finishes up!