Starry Skies, Ships, Bathers, and Flapjacks

Katherine Bradford traveled from Brooklyn to Steamboat Springs to complete her first project at Oehme Graphics, with long-time friend, master printer Sue Oehme. In five days she made 57 amazing watercolor monotypes. Katherine’s smallest prints, which are 12 1/4″ x 14″ and priced at $500, depict stacks of buttery flapjacks and sunset landscapes with simple line work. The medium monotypes are 18″ x 16″  and priced at $800. In these prints Katherine mixes imaginative colors to set the mood for stories about steamboats glowing in the moonlight and acrobatic divers and bathers. By adjusting proportions in her 32″ x 36″ monotypes, Katherine playfully explores mark-making in the sky and sea. These brilliantly colorful prints are priced at $1,900.
After a beautiful, relaxing, and inspiring autumn adventure to the Strawberry Park Hot Springs, Master Printer Susan Hover Oehme and Katherine put their heads together to translate Katherine’s monotypes into complex prints. Katherine invented countless colors, marks, and textures in her watercolor monotypes, which gave Susan a lot to work with. Large marks translated into succulent solar plates, color variations into glossy matte medium plates, and textured details into thick carborundum plates. Susan and Katherine chose to make seven editions entitled Diver2 Bathers, Steamboat Emerald, Ferry Boat, Two Boats, Night Sky, and Steamboat USA. Priced at $700 each, Oehme Graphics will print editions of 10 on 16″ x 18″ BFK paper. A suite of five prints will come in a beautiful, red-cloth box set with text entitled Steamboat for $3200. Katherine’s addition to the 2013 Stairway to Heaven is entitled ” 2 Bathers” and may be purchased for $700. These master prints, with thoughtful variation of color and texture, define sky, seas, steamboats, and swimmers to tell Katherine’s experience in Steamboat and in her life.

Susan references Katherine’s watercolor monotype, “Two Boats” while she makes a cartoon for the carborundum and solar plate edition “2 Boats”.

We had so much fun printing the editions that we completed four of each before Katherine returned to Brooklyn. We’re looking forward to collaborating with her again!
To see all of Katherine Bradford’s recent print works, click here.

We’ve just returned from the NY Satellite Print Fair, and are busy printing all our new editions from 2013. Wishing all a very Happy Thanksgiving!