Monroe Hodder and Laura Wait: Steamboat Resident Artist Projects


Monroe Hodder lives part-time in Steamboat Springs, as well as in London, and she has been working with us at the studio when she is back in the mountains. This time around, Monroe spent two days working on adding to her series of lovely and energetic blue- hued monotypes and monoprints entitled Other Worlds V11-XV. They are 30 1/2” x 25” and cost $1800 each. Please click here to see them on the website!
The color mixtures on Monroe’s palette are always fun to see…she is obviously a painter!
Monroe and Sue carefully hanging up one of the completed monoprints. The paper we use for watercolor is extremely absorbent when saturated, making it very delicate and heavy even after running it through the press. We have to get it on the wall ASAP to prevent tearing.
Artist hard at work!
Steamboat resident Laura Wait came to OG for a four day project the following week to make monoprints and monotypes using both watercolor and oil based inks. She created thirty three monos, titled Scriptograph. They are 27” x 17” and $800 each. The prints vary in mood from light and delicate to fierce and powerful, and there are endless combinations of groups or pairs that look amazing together.
A pile of Laura’s matrices–she used vellum and mat board as surfaces on which to paint. She also utilized our solar plate box to make some etchings for relief printing (rolling the ink on the surface of the plate) as well as intaglio (wiping ink off the surface so ink only remains in etched lines).
Painted pieces awaiting the press!
The shop in action…
Laura deciding where to place so more imagery after a few layers of printing.
Happy Birthday Sue!
It was Sue’s Birthday on February 15th, and we surprised her with a lunch party with a few friends! It was a great celebration having women over that are connected to Sue and the shop!

We will be doing lots of edition printing the next month, as well as a few more shorter projects. We just added images from Richard Bosman’s project as well as the above two projects so be sure to go on our site and check them out!