Melissa Finishes Project


The past ten days at Oehme Graphics zipped by as Melissa impressed us with her prolific pace. She finished her project completing a total of 66 monotypes as well as an edition print for our Stairway to Heaven series. “Senso” is the title for her prints ranging in size from 18 1/2” x 25” to 31 1/2” x 26” and in price from $1500-$2200. She also made a large series entitled “Copper Ridge” which are 39” x 26 1/2” and $2800 each. Every piece makes an individual emotive statement, which changes and deepens when paired with other pieces in the collection.


Melissa’s lovely vellums waiting to be pressurized together to make magic. Layers, and layers and layers..!


Sue placing one of Melissa’s painted vellums on the press to be run over initial layers of ghost prints.
The “before” shot…


And after!


Prints drying on the wall, printed vellums on the table, Julia printing proofs for an edition–the shop in action!

Melissa’s prints now available on our website,, where you can view all of her monotypes. As always, please contact the shop for additional information and any questions.

Patsy Krebs coming next Friday with special guest printer Christie Ginanni Stepan! Stay tuned…