Katherine Bradford received a BA from Bryn Mawr College, PA and an MFA from State University of New York, Purchase, NY.

Her successful career as an artist has included numerous prestigious awards such as the Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant, a Guggenheim Fellowship, an American Academy of Arts and Letters Award, and a Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant Award. Bradford’s many recent solo exhibitions have included galleries such as Sarah Bowen Gallery (Brooklyn, NY), Edward Thorp Gallery (New York, NY), John Davis Gallery (Hudson, NY), Aucocisco Galleries (Portland, ME), Steven Harvey Fine Art (New York, NY), and Sarah Moody Gallery of Art (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL). Bradford’s work can be found in many permanent collections including those of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Brooklyn Museum, the New York Public Library, the Wooster Art Museum, the Portland Museum, and Farnsworth Museum.

In 2013, Bradford traveled from Brooklyn to Steamboat Springs to complete her first project at Oehme Graphics. In five days she made 57 amazing watercolor monotypes. Bradford’s smallest prints, which are 12 1/4″ x 14″, depict stacks of buttery flapjacks and sunset landscapes with simple line work. The medium monotypes are 18″ x 16″. In these prints Katherine mixes imaginative colors to set the mood for stories about steamboats glowing in the moonlight and acrobatic divers and bathers. By adjusting proportions in her 32″ x 36″ monotypes, Katherine playfully explores mark-making in the sky and sea. Moving to solarplates and carborundum, she also made seven editions entitled Diver, 2 Bathers, Steamboat Emerald, Ferry Boat, Two Boats, Night Sky, and Steamboat USA. A suite of five prints will come in a beautiful, red-cloth box set with text entitled Steamboat.